Sara.H grew up in Fribourg, Switzerland and now resides in Mathod.
Influenced by her grandmother, who was an art restorer, Sara.H developed an interest in paintings and was captivated by art during her early childhood. Surrounded by nature and music while growing up, it was clear that becoming a sculptor and artist would be her calling and life's work.
At the age of 13, her skills and interests already started taking form through illustrations of stories and tales that she wrote with her sisters. Encouraged by family, friends, and professional artists, she started to exhibit her paintings and drawings at local galleries.
A few years later, Sara.H met the artist DeLaPerouze and together they opened their first art studio. Their collaboration evolved into a strong partnership and support for each other in their mutual creations.
During her 20's, Sara.H discovered the world of modeling and bronze, and the essential expressive qualities that sculpture brought to her art.
Inspired by the fantasy and magic that she feels with nature and music, Sara.H has spent countless hours honing and mastering her craft, utilizing each piece as a vehicle to convey her passion and emotion.
"My goal is to be increasingly truthful in my art, and I think this will easily take a lifetime." Sara.H states.
In 2000, she met Etienne Chatton, Curator of The International Center of Fantasy Art. He offered Sara.H his astute advice and encouraged her to start creating monumental pieces. Today, the art studio and gallery that she shares with DeLaPerouze includes several of Sara.H's large-scale sculptures. Both artists receive regular requests to create important art pieces for a diverse range of institutions and communities.
For Sara.H, the natural propensity of her art can be described in the unique saying:
” Sculpture is a music that is listened to with the eyes
and played with the fingertips. “
DeLaPerouze was born in Granges (Veveyse District), Switzerland, and currently resides in the town of Mathod.
Growing up around his father’s automobile body shop, DeLaPerouze was surrounded by the smell of paint and the vaporous scent of solvent at an early age. He playfully states that this exposure likely contributed to the way he sees life today.
By working at his father’s side, DeLaPerouze gained valuable experience and learned a variety of paint techniques. He built up a strong reputation for his airbrush applications on Harley-Davidsons and other customized vehicles - specializing in fantastical hyperrealism designs.
He met fellow artist Sara.H soon after and together they created their first art studio in the early 90’s. Their partnership led to his discovery of a new three-dimensional world that included paintings and sculptures. His art today can be described as aesthetically close to reality, sometimes provocative, or even disturbing.
DeLaPerouze has devoted much of his time in the last decade on his creations of the now famous "Tetra-Cow". To the delight of collectors worldwide, he continues to come up with countless incarnations of his milk carton shaped bovine art pieces.
He collaborated with Sara.H in 2006 on the "Tétra-Poya", which illustrates and represents the historical importance of the cows’ annual ascent to high mountain pastures in Switzerland. They recreated their “Poya” masterwork in a large-scale format as a painted mural on the facade of the Hôtel des Nations in Geneva. The treasured piece combines tradition with modernity by relating the city and local history with humor and poetry.
DeLaPerouze has often been regarded as an iconoclast - a characteristic that he fully embraces. Rather than persisting in a defined line or style, he prefers to combine a variety of approaches and technics to create unique art pieces. A simple gesture, word, or situation is enough to spark a new creative idea at any given moment.
His goal as an artist can be perfectly summed up in Honoré de Balzac’s quote:
“The mission of art
is not to copy nature,
but to express it.”
(H. Balzac)
Sara.H has been working with Perseo SA for several years. The quality and experience of this art foundry combined with the work of a demanding and meticulous artist results in masterpieces such as Corps-Accord, Danse and Passion. Sara.H has also selected the art foundry Perseo SA to create the Légende d’Automne sculpture parc’s bronze scenes.
Perseo SA was established in 1952 at Mendrisio, Switzerland. The company has always maintained and demonstrated strong links to the art world and its sculptors.
For the last sixty years, Perseo has relentlessly improved its production methods. Top quality materials, strong technical support and the expertise of its suppliers makes it the leading foundry in Switzerland.
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Association Voir C'est Toucher
Rte d'Orbe 9 - 1438 Mathod - Suisse
IBAN : CH51 8047 2000 0059 0252 8
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Association Voir C'est Toucher
Rte d'Orbe 9 - 1438 Mathod - Suisse
IBAN : CH51 8047 2000 0059 0252 8