L'Arbre Musicien

I participate in the realization of the new park

Goal: CHF 600'000.-

CHF 555'000

Privacy Policy

Association Voir c'est Toucher manages the following websites:
www.voir-cest-toucher.ch - www.larbremusicien.ch - www.legendedautomne.ch - www.droitsdelhomme.ch

1.data collected

With the development of new communication tools, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the protection of privacy. This is why we are committed to respecting the confidentiality of the personal information we collect.

We may collect the following information:

First name
Last name
Postal address
Zip or postal code
E-mail address
Telephone number

2. Methods and purposes of personal data collection

The personal information we collect is gathered through forms and through the interactivity established between you and our website. Your personal information is collected via contact forms and order forms. The information collected is used for order tracking, information, contact, website management (presentation, organization).

3. Security and data recipients

The association Voir c'est Toucher takes care to protect and secure the personal data you have chosen to communicate to us, in order to ensure their confidentiality and prevent them from being distorted or disclosed to unauthorized third parties.

4. Conditions for processing and storing personal data

The "processing" of personal data includes in particular the use, storage, recording, transfer, adaptation, analysis, modification, declaration, sharing and destruction of personal data in accordance with what is necessary in view of the circumstances or legal requirements. All personal data collected is kept for a limited period of time, depending on the purpose of the processing and the minimum retention period stipulated by the applicable legislation.

5. Right of access and rectification of data

You have the right to access your personal data. You also have the right to request that your personal data be corrected, updated or deleted. You also have the right to obtain communication of your personal data held by the Association Voir c'est Toucher. You can exercise your rights of access and rectification by contacting Association Voir c'est Toucher at the following e-mail address: [email protected]

6. Google analytics and cookies

This site uses cookies - small text files that are placed on your machine to help the site provide a better user experience. In general, cookies are used to keep track of user preferences, store information for things like shopping carts and provide anonymized tracking data to third-party applications like Google Analytics. In general, cookies will make your browsing experience better.

7. Copyright

Copyright: Association Voir c'est Toucher
The information contained on the www.voir-cest-toucher.ch website, www.larbremusicien.ch, www.legendedautomne.ch, is made available to the public. Downloading or copying texts, illustrations, photographs or other data does not entail any transfer of rights to the contents. Copyright and all other rights to texts, illustrations, photographs and other data on the site are our exclusive property or that of the expressly named owners. Reproduction requires the prior written consent of the copyright holder.

8. Dispute resolution

Although Association Voir c'est Toucher has taken reasonable measures to protect personal data, no transmission or storage technology is totally infallible.
However, Association Voir c'est Toucher is committed to ensuring the protection of personal data. If you have reason to believe that the security of your personal data has been compromised or that it has been misused, you are invited to contact Association Voir c'est Toucher at the following address: [email protected]
